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Similar to “TMJ,” oral-facial pain is a term which typically encompasses and wide variety of symptoms and diagnosis. Most often, patient experience pain with chewing and/or clenching the teeth. This can be caused by either the muscles of mastication or irritation of the trigeminal nerve, a very important cranial nerve in the face. 

Physical Therapist


The hip is an important joint for both gait and stability. Due to its anatomy, however, it is susceptible to degeneration and fracture. Additionally, its proximity and functional relationship with the pelvis and lumbar spine can result in complication with treatment. Hip pain may also occur as the result of compensatory movement patterns and repetitive microtrauma. Specifically diagnosed conditions, which are commonly treated in physical therapy are: Muscle Strain, IT Band Syndrome, Labral Tear, Impingement, Bursitis, Avascular Necrosis, Fracture and Post-Surgical. 


Treatment for hip pain, whether acute or chronic, typically begins with decreasing inflammations and pain. This includes reducing muscular tension of the hip and low back regions. Restoring range of motion of the hip joint facilitates future progress regarding both pain and functional mobility. Once pain is reduced, patients typically notice a consistent increase in tolerance to weight bearing activities.


Following the immediate goal of reduced inflammation, more advanced techniques are then typically implemented. These treatments aim to increase hip and core stability, while promoting proper joint mechanics and pelvic alignment. 


Manual therapy is used to decrease pain and improve the mobility of the shoulder joint. These techniques are essential in restoring shoulder range of motion and proper joint mechanics. Manual stretching, joint mobilization and soft tissue relaxation are consistently utilized to help patients reduce pain restore their functional movement.


Therapeutic exercise programs, including both stretching and strengthening are the hallmarks of hip rehabilitation.  The instruction of patient assisted range of motion activities and stretching allow for the resumption of normal movements patterns. Once rehabilitation is consistently progressing, specific strengthening and stability exercises are utilized to improve lower extremity movement patterns and reduce the possibility of re-injury.


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Severna Park


Phone: 410-960-1601

Fax: 410-639-6677


485 Ritchie Hwy, Suite A202

Severna Park, MD 21146

7801 York Road, Suite 215

Towson, MD 21204


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